Saturday, January 26, 2008

I was wrong.

The subtitle of my blog says - "nobody is born bonded, neither is anyone bonded in death, then why be bonded all your life?" Am I right in making such a statement?
Nobody is born bonded..., how do I know that? None is bonded in death..., how do I know that? we are bonded in life - that is true, I can know that.

But then what does this imply? That life is bondage? Freedom is a never fulfilling dream? Well yes if one is speaking about absolutes then may be it's never a reality. What is absolute freedom or absolute bondage? They tend to be relative. I can't imagine anyone who is free of everything. There is always something higher that people crave for. And they become slaves of that.

This is where I find the teaching of Jesus as thought provoking. He said that we are sons of God, and not slaves. Sons are free in every sense, they are not bounded by anything. Then what is it that causes the bondage in our lives. He says its the sins that we do. We are addicted to sins or are the slaves of sin. Sin is not something which can be defined as a wrong act. It is something which gives us the pleasure of indulging in and one which we like to become slaves of. Jesus says that the ultimate result of sin is death. What is so special about it? Everyone will die and so will I. But Jesus says a free man will never die. How is it possible? It is humanly impossible. But for God nothing is impossible.

Putting faith in Jesus makes me strong. But to be without sin is not humanly possible. I don't know what that state is or how would one be if one reaches that state. When you know that there is a path where you have the option of freedom and everlasting life, it is not logically possible to chose the path which leads to death. But humans are not rational beings. That's why marketers survive. This is one time I really feel humans should all be rational, at least I should be rational. But it's not possible, for we are not created so.

Does that mean that we are doomed to death? Bonded in birth life and death? Logically speaking, Yes, we are. But the statement "what is impossible for humans is possible for God" reverts the entire logic. Everything ultimately boils down to this single statement. The moment one realizes, accepts and transcends the meaning of this sentence God's glory is displayed. But it is difficult, very very difficult.

Realizing and accepting can be achieved to some extent. But to live out this sentence is something else - it's really OUT OF THE WORLD.

So what's the point? How is it that I was wrong?
Bondage is not a lifetime phenomenon, which starts at birth and ends at death. If it were so, dying is the salvation that everyone should be looking for. So I need to change the subtitle of my blog. What could it be???


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