Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The lonely traveller!

As I wade through the meadows of this earthly population, I am prone to that dreadful thought, Am I alone?

Nobody wants to be alone and I am no exception. But as I take a deep breath and look around at the marvel of all creation around me, I realise, I am not alone. If I were alone then every one is alone, and isn't that the truth? Or is it a mere illusion that we are alone in this world? Which is the reality and which is the illusion? "We are alone" or "We are bonded by an invisible string" which many believe is what drives the world forward. I can't help but think of that magical cube completely enclosed from outside but with a source of light in the centre and mirrors on all sides inside the cube. What would a person within the cube see if he looks around? I don't know whether my gumption is right, but with my limited knowledge I believe he would be seeing those things inside the cube which are in the line of his view. He sees depending on the way in which he looks. And the most funny part of all this is that the poor man believes all this to be happening outside the cube. Am I that man? Oh no! All these thoughts are about things happening within my mind and I have been made to believe that they were the reality. But then what is reality? Aren't these kind of projections by all the people in this world that we perceive as reality? So isn't reality a variable that ought to be changed and not an all-encompassing rule which we are bound to obey. It might be impossible to change the world around by sitting within the cube. But by changing the way we look within the cube, actually we are changing the reality, because reality is nothing but an illusion caused by the multiple reflection of the internal source within us at the mirrors inside the cube. The views might sound radically different, but it's just the old wine in a new bottle.

So Am I alone or not? A question that can never be answered objectively!!!

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